About Karen Wells, Counsellor

Karen Wells


Think Life - Feel Life - Live Life

Karen is a qualified counsellor having graduated with a National Diploma in Counselling.


She is an accredited provider of the Triple P, positive parenting programme, which aims to promote positive caring relationships between parents and their children.

Karen is a full member of the New Zealand Association of Counsellors, which means she works within a stringent ethical framework, providing you with confidential and professional environment.


Karen has worked for a number of years supporting people facing relationship and family difficulties and assisting those negotiating the complex task of relationship breakdowns and restructuring of the family unit.




She provides a service that supports you to understand and manage your emotions in everyday life.


Karen can provide counselling to individuals, couples and families.




Counselling can provide you with the opportunity to address issues of concern to you.


self-esteem|identity|life management skills|confidence building

goal setting|decision making|work-place conflict

abuse and family violence|relationship issues|parenting difficulties

and general health and well-being concerns

Website created by and images provided by Amy-Lee Budd